Custom Search

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010

Twittando via linha de comando com TTYtter

No post anterior, mostrei como twittar via linha de comando com curl. Agora vou mostrar como usar o twitter de uma me TTYtter.

Primeiramente vamos baixar o TTYtter:
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ttytter

Permissão de Execução:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ttytter

Criar um Alias:
cd /~
echo -e alias ttytter=\"ttytter -user=rodrigochiquito -ansi\" >> .profile
source .profile

Pronto, agora so eh iniciar o TTYtter:


/help (/?)
Displays mad-k001 ASCII art. Oh, and a quick list of commands, secondarily speaking.
/refresh (/r)
Thumps the background process to do another update for new tweets right away instead of waiting for the next one scheduled. Remember, Twitter only gives us the last twenty tweets, so you will therefore only get the last twenty too (important if you're watching the public timeline, or have a lot of friends). If nothing new is available, the background process will politely tell you so. (/thump is a synonym since I keep typing it.)
/again (/a)
Displays the last twenty tweets from your timeline, even old ones, along with refreshing the most recent results from keywords and hashtags you may be tracking (if any).
/again [username] (/a [username])
Displays the last twenty tweets for user username (sans braces, of course). If the user doesn't exist, or is protected/otherwise not available to you, you will get an error message instead. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the tweets are received or timed out.
/whois [username] (/w [username])
Displays the Twitter "vital statistics" for the specified user, including number of people they follow and are followed by (f:), number of updates (u:), real name, location, description, URL and image/picture, along with (if you are not anonymous) if you already follow this user and if this user follows you. Their URL, if they have one, is loaded into the variable %URL% so you can substitute it in a tweet (see command history and substitution below), /shorten it, or open it with /url.

If you specify a filter with -avatar, then the URL for the user's picture is passed to the specified shell command to operate upon it, including saving it, opening it in a window somewhere else, or even converting it to ASCII art. See Command-line options for more. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the data is received or timed out.

/wagain [username] (/wa [username])
Combines /again followed by /whois (yes, the name is out of order, but it sounded better than /againw).
/dmrefresh (/dm)
Thumps the background process to do another check for direct messages right away instead of waiting for the next one scheduled. Again, this is limited to the last twenty, if you are a particularly popular person to whisper to. See the section on direct messaging below.
/dmagain (/dma)
/replies (/re)
Displays your last twenty @ replies. This may be affected by your Twitter account notifications settings. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the replies are received or timed out.
/reply [menu code] [tweet] (/re), /vreply [menu code] [tweet] (/vre), /thread [menu code] (/th)
This set of commands respectively replies directly to a tweet or direct message using threading if possible (the first using conventional replies; the second using a publicly visible reply a la "r @al3x Twitter API roxx"), and the last displays the thread a tweet is part of (if any). See the sections on tweet selection and DM selection below.
/delete [menu code] (/del)
Deletes a tweet (only your own tweet -- nice try) or a direct message. See the sections on tweet and DM selection below.
/favourite [menu code] (/fave, /f), /unfavourite [menu code] (/unfave, /unf)
Favourites or unfavourites a tweet, respectively. See the section on tweet selection below.
/favourites (/faves, /fl)
Displays your most recent favourite tweets. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the data is received or timed out.
/favourites [username] (/faves [username], /fl [username])
Displays someone else's most recent favourite tweets. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the data is received or timed out.
/retweet [menu code] (/rt), /eretweet [menu code] (/ert), /fretweet [menu code] (/frt)
Retweets a tweet (direct messages, wisely, not allowed). /eretweet loads the tweet into the special substitution variable %RT% which you can use at the beginning or end of your next tweet; regular /retweet just sticks on RT @username: and sends it right away. If you really like the tweet, then /fretweet will favourite it for you at the same time as you retweet it. See the sections on tweet selection and command history/substitution below.
/search [query] (/se)
Queries the Twitter Search API, as if you had typed it into the box on, and displays the most recent results. See the section on Search API integration below. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the data is received or timed out.
/track [keywords] and /tron [keywords], /troff [keywords], /#[hashtag], /notrack
Keyword and hashtag tracking (respectively: set your keywords, add a keyword, remove a keyword, shortcut for adding a hashtag, and cancel all tracking keywords). See the section on Search API integration below.
/trends (/tre)
Asks the Twitter Search API for the most current trending topics. Displays them as /search and /tron commands (qq.v.) you can simply cut and paste to execute. See the section on Search API integration below. This command is synchronous and the foreground process will pause until the data is received or timed out.
/versioncheck (/vcheck)
Pings the server (this one!) to see if you are using the most current version.
/short (/sh)
Shortens a supplied URL (by default using the service, but may be compatible with others). The new shortened URL is displayed and you can substitute it at the beginning or end of subsequent tweets using %URL% (see command history and substitution). If you don't specify a URL, then the current value of %URL% is substituted.
/url [menu code]
Opens the URL(s) specified in the tweet or direct message indicated by the selected menu code, according to the current -urlopen option. See the sections on tweet and DM selection below. If you don't specify a menu code, then the current value of %URL% is substituted (you can also use an arbitrary URL if you like). (Nota bene: While /url will accept UTF-8 characters as valid parts of a URL (damn you, that doesn't mean your underlying browser will.)
/dump [menu code] (/du)
Dumps out the internal structure for the tweet referenced by the specified menu code (which, if only stored in TTYtter's backing store, may omit fields irrelevant to TTYtter). This is mostly for debugging, but useful for people who want to grab URLs to individual tweets, as the URL for this particular tweet is placed into %URL% for additional use.
Allows you to enter a shell command from within TTYtter. This is run with whatever Perl thinks your shell is (inside system()); for example, /!ls displays the contents of the current working directory. Remember that this opens up subshells (on purpose), so you can't change, say, an environment variable this way and expect the Perl running TTYtter to see it.
/history (/h)
Displays the last set of commands entered (see Command history and substitution below).
/set [key] [value] (/s) and /print [key] (/p)
Allow setting and printing of command line options at runtime. Not all command line options can be changed. For more about this, see Command-line options.

If you type /print by itself with no key, the (visible) settable values are displayed.

For the IRC freaks. Simply echoed as a tweet, /me included.
/ruler (/ru)
Prints a "ruler," 140 characters wide plus the size of the prompt, as a convenient visual aid.
/quit (/q)
Leaves ttytter. Pressing CTRL-D or CTRL-C will also do this. It's preferable to use this command (or those keysequences) to exit ttytter because if you kill the console process outside of ttytter, the background process may not get cleaned up and will have to be killed separately. /exit and /bye are synonyms by popular request.

/quit immediately stops anything running in the background, including pending requests for new tweets or DMs. If you want to wait for these to complete, use /end (/e).

Para maiores informações:

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